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PROMs or PPMs?

PROMs or PPMs? by Simon Matthews Patient reported outcome measures1 (PROMs) have been in use since about the 1960s. PROMs generally take the form of…

Webinars Is the end of bulk billing the beginning of Lifestyle Medicine? The healthcare system is overwhelmed, and projections can be frightening. Held

Sleep matters

Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. Held live on 29 September 2022, this webinar reviewed aspects of sleep from a neurobiological perspective,

Webinars Weight conversations and changing the perspective on obesity Obesity is an important societal topic that is misunderstood and often oversimplified in

A case in Lifestyle Medicine and why your membership matters I would like to share a case that highlights the difference between

Keeping eyes in focus: A Lifestyle Medicine approach to eye health maintenance Lifestyle Medicine is concerned with preventing, treating and reversing lifestyle-related diseases

Looking back: Lifestyle Medicine 2022 conference, ‘The evolution of practice’ It goes without saying we were beyond excited to see most of

How interrupted sleep affects our mood and overall health “Sometimes I wake up Grumpy. Other times I let them sleep in.” Nocturnal

Roni Beauchamp appointed as ASLM’s new CEO It is with great excitement and anticipation that the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM)

Low back pain: pause and consider to enact change Back pain is, quite frankly, a pain in the back…both for the people