[Pictured: Candidates being briefed by Dr Jill Waalen, proctoring the exam for the IBLM, prior to the commencement of the 4 hour physician exam and the…
When evidence and logic coincide
When evidence and logic coincide When does evidence-based medicine (EBM) override logic-based medicine? More often than it should, according to a punchy
Avoid the fad diet
Avoid the fad diet It seems that every week we are being presented with a new ‘solution’ to losing weight. Paleo, The
Staying on track with new health changes
Staying on track with new health changes When the new year arrives we feel excited about the chance for new beginnings and
Simplifying the message
Simplifying the message The complexity of lifestyle behaviour change and a possible solution There are a number of lifestyle and environmental drivers
The power of thought
The power of thought Professor Garry Egger on how the way we think influences our health Far be it for a humble
Clinicians or crusaders?
Clinicians or crusaders? Choosing to follow a career in one of the most ‘caring professions’ may, arguably, also mean that you care
A step in the right direction: PHCAG
A step in the right direction: PHCAG From the President Dr Hamish Meldrum, MBChB, DRANZCOG, FRACGP ASLM congratulates the government for implementing
Obesity overtakes malnourishment as global health problem
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Legacy continues in Ballarat heritage building
Legacy continues in Ballarat heritage building Hidden behind a tall red fence, an Edwardian building is nestled in a lush green garden.
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