I would like to draw your attention to something remarkable happening in post graduate education in Lifestyle Medicine in Australasia, and which will have global impact.
Announcing Australasia’s First Physicians, Professionals and Practitioners Certified in Lifestyle Medicine [Media release]
[Pictured: Candidates being briefed by Dr Jill Waalen, proctoring the exam for the IBLM, prior to the commencement of the 4 hour physician
How does an Occupational Therapist (and mum) study for a lifestyle medicine board certification exam?
How does an Occupational Therapist (and mum) study for a lifestyle medicine board certification exam? The reality hit me about 3
Michael Moore at Lifestyle Medicine 2017
Michael Moore at Lifestyle Medicine 2017 We were very fortunate to be joined by Michael Moore AM in September at Lifestyle Medicine
Announcing new President, Vice President and President-Elect [Media release]
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Father’s weight is just as relevant as the mother’s in determining a child’s risk of obesity
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Dr Joanna McMillan and Dr Caroline West on Catalyst
Dr Joanna McMillan and Dr Caroline West on Catalyst f you’re an avid fan of Catalyst, you may already be aware that
Fertility Week tackles chemicals in the home that can affect fertility in men and women
Fertility Week tackles chemicals in the home that can affect fertility in men and women Fertility Week, held this year between
Health leaders tackle childhood obesity
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Global nutrition crisis threatens human development, demands ‘critical step change’ in response – report
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