We’re delighted to announce the streams and pre-conference workshops for Lifestyle Medicine 2017.  The overarching conference theme is:

Planet Consumption

Primary care, public and planetary health converge in Lifestyle Medicine

Want to speak at Lifestyle Medicine 2017?  Do you have something important to share relevant to one of the streams or pre-conference workshops?  You have two opportunities:

  • Submit a proposal to deliver a presentation in one of the concurrent streams or pre-conference workshops (25 minutes + panel/Q&A)
    • Deadline for proposals – 1st round: 31 March
    • Deadline for proposals – 2nd round: 30 April (subject to availability after 1st round)
    • Email an outline of your talk (200-300 word blurb or abstract) along with your bio to info@lifestylemedicine.org.au
    • If your application is successful you will receive complimentary registration to attend the conference (travel and accommodation not included)
  • Submit an application for an oral abstract (10 minutes) or a poster presentation in the scientific stream
    • 1st round deadline 31 May
    • 2nd round deadline 31 July (subject to availability after 1st round)
    • Read more and download the form at abstract/scholarship application form
    • If your application is successful, you will need to register to attend the conference to confirm your place
    • Four student scholarships (complimentary registration) are available
    • Awards for best oral abstract and best poster presentation

Each of these opportunities is a separate competitive process.  Applications will be assessed by the conference committee against criteria including:

  • The extent to which the content is new, original, innovative or important
  • The scientific, academic and/or clinical rigour of the work
  • The extent to which the topic addresses the themes of the conference

You can find detailed information about each of the streams and workshops here.

We look forward to hearing from you!