This October we’re hungry for a #feastofideas
Global social movement, NCDFREE, has kicked off their latest campaign #feastofideas and it’s one you don’t want to miss!
Have you ever sat down to dinner with friends, and hours later found yourselves sitting around solving all the world’s problems? Well, NCDFREE are channeling all that wisdom into one delicious campaign.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” – Margaret Mead
For the month of October, guerilla dinner parties will be happening across the globe and asking people to serve up their ideas for creating a healthy future – all in the name of eradicating preventable chronic diseases.
“Our current food system is making us sick… but together we can fix it! #feastofideas will crowdsource thousands of solutions to NCDFREE’s big questions over just 30 days to create the ultimate menu of global health solutions.”
And the best part, NCDFREE has done all the planning for you – they’ll provide recipes from Joost Bakker, Rory O’Connell, and Darina Allen, and big questions for your guests posed by Michael Pollan, Dunk The Junk, EAT Initiative and more. It’s free and easy to sign up, so check your calendar and host your own impactful dinner. Get involved here.