Michael Berk at Lifestyle Medicine 2016
We’re delighted to make available a fantastic presentation by Prof Michael Berk from Lifestyle Medicine 2016, as he explores whether we can prevent depression in the community.
Risk free super early bird registrations are now open for Lifestyle Medicine 2018, to be held 18-19 August 2018, Brisbane.
You can now get online access to videos of all the plenary lectures, concurrent workshops and panel discussions from Lifestyle Medicine 2016. Here’s the 2016 program and speakers. That’s over 90 videos totalling 33 hours of conference sessions delivered over three days at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne in November, 2016.
More Lifestyle Medicine 2016 wrap up:

Professor Michael Berk, MBChB, MMed(Psych), FF(Psych)SA, FRANZCP, PhD
Professor Michael Berk is currently a NHMRC Senior Principal research Fellow, and is Alfred Deakin Chair of Psychiatry at Deakin University and Barwon Health, where he heads the IMPACT Strategic Research Centre. He also is an Honorary Professorial Research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health and Orygen Youth Health at Melbourne University, as well as in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University.
He is past president of the International Society for Bipolar disorders and the Australasian Society or Bipolar and Depressive Disorders. He is an ISI highly cited researcher who has published over 800 papers predominantly in mood disorders. His major interests are in the discovery and implementation of novel therapies, and risk factors and prevention of psychiatric disorders. He is the recipient of a number of national and international awards including the Brain and behaviour Foundation Colvin prize, and holds grants from the National Institutes of Health (US), Simon Autism Foundation, NHMRC CRE and project grants, Beyondblue and Stanley Medical Research Institute and is a lead investigator in a Collaborative Research Centre.