We were fortunate at Lifestyle Medicine 2016 to hear from Emeritus Professor Mark Wahlqvist on the relationship between ecology and human health, a talk that received a standing ovation from delegates. We’re now pleased to share this talk with everyone.
You can now get online access to videos of all the plenary lectures, concurrent workshops and panel discussions from Lifestyle Medicine 2016. Here’s the 2016 program and speakers. That’s over 90 videos totalling 33 hours of conference sessions delivered over three days at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne in November, 2016.
More Lifestyle Medicine 2016 wrap up:
- Video highlights and photo gallery
- Awarding of the first ASLM Fellowships
- Music, movement, song, dance and laughter
- In reflection – Dr Kate Marsh
Risk free super early bird registrations are now open for Lifestyle Medicine 2018, to be held 18-19 August 2018, Brisbane.

Emeritus Prof Mark L. Wahlqvist AO, BMedSc, MBBS, MD (Adelaide), MD (Uppsala), FRACP, FAIFST, FACN, FAFPHM, FTSE
Mark Wahlqvist is Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Monash University and Visiting Professor, Centre for Health Policy Research and Development, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan.
He was educated at Adelaide and Uppsala Universities, is a Consultant Physician and has held chairs in Human Nutrition, Medicine, Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine between Melbourne’s Deakin and Monash Universities, Chair of Internal Medicine at Prince Henry’s Hospital, then the Monash Medical Centre, in Melbourne, Director of the APHNC (Asia Pacific Health & Nutrition Centre) at the MAI (Monash Asia Institute) and of the FAO Centre of Excellence in Food Safety at Monash University.
He has also held appointments at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, the University of Indonesia and Zhejiang University in China. He was President of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences, Chair of the Australian Nutrition Foundation (Nutrition Australia), Foundation Chair of the WMCACA (Weight Management Code Administration Council of Australia) , a Board member of ANZFA, the Australian and New Zealand Food Authority (now FSANZ), Foundation Chair of the Food Safety Council of Victoria, chair of the Australian Academy of Science National Nutrition Committee, Foundation Editor-in-Chief of the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
His advisory board memberships have included the Harvest Plus program (International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington DC), the Riddet Food Research Institute at Massey University, New Zealand and the WHO Nutrition Advisory panel. He has been recognised with awards by the nutrition societies in Australia, Britain, the USA, Taiwan, Indonesia and China. He was awarded he Charlotta Medal by the Swedish Emigrants Research Institute and made an honorary Bataknese.