Dr Joanna McMillan on Lifestyle Medicine in Australasia
This brief interview was recorded in August 2016 at the Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney. Dr Joanna McMillan shares with us her approach to Lifestyle Medicine and some simple tips for healthy eating and the importance of being physically active.

Dr Joanna McMillan
BScNutr &Diet (Hons), PhD
Scottish-born Dr Joanna McMillan has become one of Australia’s favourite and best-known nutrition and lifestyle specialists. She is a PhD qualified nutrition scientist, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow with La Trobe University and a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine.
As a warm and engaging MC, keynote and TEDx speaker, Joanna travels Internationally. She is a popular health presenter and a regular on television and radio, with over a decade presenting health and nutrition segments on The Today Show and is currently also a presenter on ABC’s science show Catalyst.
Joanna is an accomplished author of six books, including the latest Get Lean, Stay Lean (Murdoch books, 2017) and is currently working on her seventh, due for release December 2018. She has also written the nutrition information for several of the Australian Women’s Weekly cookbooks.
Joanna is a nutrition consultant to Cobram Estate and an ambassador to Diabetes Australia, The Skin & Cancer Foundation and FoodBank. She lives in Sydney with her husband, two sons and her walking buddy, their labradoodle Spartacus.