Ahmed El-Sohemy at Lifestyle Medicine 2016
We’re delighted to make available two great presentations by Prof Ahmed El-Sohemy from Lifestyle Medicine 2016, as he explores the relationship between genetics, nutrition, human health and performance.
Registrations for Lifestyle Medicine 2018 in Brisbane, Australia are open! Early Bird pricing ends 31st May. Find out more here.
Nutrigenomics: Do Our Genes Determine What We Should Eat?
Nutrigenomics: What do the skeptics say?
You can now get online access to videos of all the plenary lectures, concurrent workshops and panel discussions from Lifestyle Medicine 2016. Here’s the 2016 program and speakers. That’s over 90 videos totalling 33 hours of conference sessions delivered over three days at the Grand Hyatt, Melbourne in November, 2016.
More Lifestyle Medicine 2016 wrap up:
About Professor Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD

Dr. Ahmed El-Sohemy is a Professor at the University of Toronto and has held a Canada Research Chair in Nutrigenomics. He earned his PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Toronto and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard. He returned to Toronto in 2000 to establish a research program in nutritional genomics. The goal of his research is to elucidate the genetic basis for variability in nutrient response on health and performance.
Dr. El-Sohemy has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles and has given over 180 invited talks around the world. He is on the editorial board of 10 scientific and medical journals and served as an expert reviewer for more than 30 other journals and 12
granting agencies. He has over 4,100 citations with an H-index of 36. Dr. El-Sohemy has served on Health Canada’s Scientific Advisory Board and several international expert advisory panels.
He has made numerous appearances on TV, radio and in print media, and was voted one of the top 10 people to watch in 2004 by the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest daily newspaper, and in 2007 was nominated for Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 award. In 2013, Dr. El-Sohemy was named one of the top 10 inventors of the year by UofT and the following year he was awarded the Centrum Foundation New Scientist Award for Outstanding Research by the Canadian Nutrition Society. This year he was awarded the Mark Bieber Professional Award by the American College of Nutrition. He is the founder of Nutrigenomix Inc. and Chair’s the company’s International Science Advisory Board.